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The Need For Community & Mask Update

Samantha Fulton • May 24, 2021

The Need for Community 


Dear Being, 
I hope this message finds you present and connected to yourSelf, whether you are happy, sad, well, unwell, and anything in between. There is an intake packet that all of my clients are asked to fill out, and in it there is a question- “have you experienced a stressful event in the recent past?”. I chuckle at this question every time—some people (albeit not many) actually check the “NO” box!!! HA! We are collectively undergoing changes and enduring stressors that we haven’t seen in our current lifetimes, so to see that there are some folks who aren’t recognizing that is shocking. I do know that it manifests very differently in each person, and the conscious awareness of how stress lives in us depends largely on the tools we have to access our inner workings. We are all activated, we all have decision fatigue, and the vast differences in opinions and practices can get exhausting to navigate. It is mental health awareness month, and being visible and audible with our stuff is so important. Sharing our reactions and emotions in a safe community is so very necessary, and there is a balance between hiding them and professing them as everyone else’s truth. Last week with the buzz about mask mandates changing, a fellow trusted colleague reached out to me and a few others, sharing her concern. We all ended up sharing what came up for us, and it was so helpful in processing and then moving forward with the next small step. What we came up with was—people need to do what they need to do to feel OK right now—even if its different than what anyone else is doing or even the powers that be are saying is okay. If people don’t feel first and foremost safe, then what’s the point of offering anything else? 
Mental health struggles can look very different on each individual. It may look like nothing at all, or even overachieving, having it all together, or seeming totally sure of our decisions. Each of us is experiencing challenges, and COVID (and all of the decisions that come along with it) has been a doozy. I’ve learned to associate stressors, changes, challenges as a call to check in with my mental well-being on a daily, or even moment to moment basis. What makes me feel like I’m okay? This is why we gather on Fridays for our outdoor community meditation. It is an opportunity to pause and attune to our inner dialogue, how our bodies are holding stress, how that changes our breath, and gives insight into how to take the next small step so that we can feel more okay. I hope you can join us this week! 

Mask Update & Events

We ask that you please enter/exit, as well as navigate the common areas with your mask on. 

Once you “land” —either on your yoga mat, or in a private room with your provider, vaccinated people may choose to remove their mask. This is for one-on-one services only. Groups will still be required to wear masks for the time being. 
- All providers will keep their masks on. 
- We encourage you to make the choice that makes you feel safe, comfortable, and more okay, no matter what that is. 


We’ve been having fun with these Iyengar chairs, learning online and practicing with one another. Both Joelle and Erin are offering privates and semi-privates using the chairs—or not! Check out the Collective page on my website to schedule with either of them! 

Outdoor Community Meditation (weather permitting)
Fridays, 12:15-1:00pm
1285 Route 9
- outside in the grassy & parking lot area behind my building.
- Yes there is shade! Yes there are chairs available

Come as you are, ALL are welcome!
No sign up needed! Just show up! 

By Samantha Fulton April 25, 2022
Meet Angela Rae Hassan
By Samantha Fulton March 2, 2022
Dear Being, I cannot express my excitement enough about this incredibly supportive and useful modality. ​My dear friend and colleague, Joelle VanSickle explains the Wall and her approach: The Yoga Wall is a therapeutic tool to help support and enhance your movement practice. Yoga Wall Ropes were first introduced by BKS Iyengar many decades ago as a means to assist with postural alignment and make postures accessible to all practitioners. In our Yoga Wall sessions, you will utilize the Wall to build strength, cultivate body awareness, elongate muscles, gently traction your spine, and support healthy breathing, (among other things!). With the support of the Wall, you are more able to drop into your experience and find a balance of steadiness and ease in your body and mind. The focus of our offerings is on private and small group Wall sessions so that you may work closely with the teacher to help meet your individual needs. Joelle will be offering private & small group sessions beginning April 1, 2022: Yoga Wall Trio Fridays and Sundays beginning 4/1/22, 9:30-10:45 am Yoga Wall Private By appointment. Use the Yoga Wall to help support your unique body and being. Personalized practice will be tailored to your individual needs and can be an adjunct to physical therapy, when you are cleared to do so. Intro to The Yoga Wall Series Next course begins 4/1/22. A 6-week course to help introduce you to the Yoga Wall. Learn how to set up your straps and adjust them for your unique body. An accessible, progressive practice series designed to help you feel the benefits of the Wall. Restorative Yoga (Continues!) Sundays, 9:30-11:00 am (changing to 11:00-12:30 beginning 3/13/22), $25/class A little bit of movement and a lot of resting designed to help you relax and refresh. For more information, or to register, click HERE . ALSO Happening In March @ the Collective: Friday, March 18th: Tai Chi & Community Meditation 6PM Join Steven Reilly for a FREE demo Tai Chi lesson! Email to register. 7PM Community Mantra & Meditation with Corinna & Samantha! Join us for discussion, guided chanting with periods of quiet reflection, and of course lots of laughs! No sign-up necessary, and free of charge! *masking is optional As always, if you have any questions or would just like to connect, please feel free to reach out! I look forward to working together in whatever form it may be! In Love & Service, Sam
By Samantha Fulton March 2, 2022
Tai Chi @FulBeing Collective
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